Secure Email Files
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The Secure e-mail module allows for the creation of encrypted files which can be sent as e-mail attachments. You can also create self extracting encrypted files which don't require Encryptainer for decryption. This allows for a totally secure communication system that makes use of existing e-mail clients (e.g. Outlook Express) on a public network.  
The password has to be communicated between two parties over an alternate channel, for example, either through a telephonic conversation or during pre-arranged meetings or a reference to a common shared resource (e.g. a book or a magazine). You can also use the "riddle" field to send across a password hint to the recipient.  
You can send secure e-mail files in a number of ways.  
1. Standalone files (self executables, .exe ).  
These can be decrypted and viewed at the recipient's end on any Windows machine without any software. The recipient does of course needs to know the password/phrase.  
2. .SIT Files  
Given that most virus scanners delete most executable files almost automatically, Encryptainer also allows for the creation of .sit encrypted files. These can be e-mailed to the recipient, We recommend that you use this method.  
The recipient needs to download our free utility, DecypherIT to decrypt them. DecypherIT can be downloaded from:  
3. Sending Encryptainer Vaults  
You can always send entire Encryptainer Vaults to recipients. They can use the Additional volumes feature of Encryptainer to use them, as you would if they know the password  
How do I Send Secure Stand Alone E-Mail Files?  
1   Use the browse button from within the new pop up window to select the file that you want to encrypt and send by e-mail.  
2.   Enter a password in the password field. The recipient will need this password to decrypt the file.  
3.   Optionally, you can enter a riddle in the riddle field.  
4.   Click the "Create Encrypted EXE File..." button to encrypt the file.  
5.    The encrypted file is then created.